Scariest Moment of My Life

Scariest Moment of My Life

I experienced the scariest moment of my life. Tears from the memory replaying in my mind. Tears in gratitude that everything is ok. Tears for the divine protection and timing.

We got home from the show yesterday afternoon and noticed CG was warm. I dismissed it bc She was acting completely fine, happy and her normal talkative self. She did go down for a nap though, which is super uncommon lately.

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Excuses are Sabatogy AF

Excuses are Sabatogy AF

You’re really good at coming up with excuses. Great at it, actually. 

News flash: we all are. 

I'm awesome at excuses and know they can be sabotagy af. 

I'm also awesome at going for it anyway. 

I hear a lot of excuses. Why I can’t go for what I want. I don’t have time, energy, money. I’m too fat or lazy or too weak. I don’t have the education. I need to do x, y and z first.  I’m not ready. 

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Ponytail Stage of Alignment

Ponytail Stage of Alignment

Getting into alignment has phases similar to growing your hair out. When it’s kind of awkward and you have to pin it back. 🙋🏻‍♀️

The more you get into alignment, areas out of whack become obvious. Like you’re getting aligned in your business and all of a sudden you’re super aware where you’re not aligned with your health or vice versa. Or when you’re using all the tools and vibing high, but have some pushback from people in your life that are no longer vibin at the same level. (Do you feel me? 👭)

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How can you align instead of hustle today?

How can you align instead of hustle today?

It seems there are several ways to get where you want to be.

You can work your ass off. You can bulldoze our way through, head first. Or you can move gently, mindfully, honoring yourself and where you are, moving into alignment. 

Work, rest and play are on my to do list today. As they are everyday. This is what clicks for me. When I’m doing all three I am more clear, creative, aligned, productive, joyful and successful. 

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You already have the tools

You already have the tools

Feeling drained + sensitive from this super moon energy?

Or were you feeling super energized, motivated and radiant and basically climaxed and now you’re on your way down?

Has the wall been hit?

You’ve been here before. You know how to shift your energy. You know how to move through whatever you’re experiencing.

So here’s a reminder, you already have tools that work for you. I promise you that. Most times it just about remembering them.

Here are some Qs to help jog your memory.

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Sensitivity is NOT a curse.

Sensitivity is NOT a curse.

You're not cursed. You're sensitive. 💫

Are you feeling it extra though? Again?

Maybe you’re feeling drained and exhausted.

Or taking things personally, extra emo or can’t seem to stop the cray from coming out.

Does it help knowing there’s a full moon?

Or maybe knowing it’s a full moon explains why you’re feeling full of energy, can’t sleep or even extra sexy.

The moon affects you.

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Put a bandaid on it. It's magic!

Put a bandaid on it. It's magic!

Yesterday, my 2 year old daughter hit her head on the corner of my desk.

Hard. It made the loudest noise. She went down.

Instantly a red mark popped up and she fell completely silent. As usual, I wonder if either she's ok or it's really bad.

But it was that deafening quiet.  The one that comes as the loudest wail builds up in her body ready to be released, along with all the tears.  

I instinctively waved my hand in front of her forehead taking away some excess energy and planted a kiss. She looked up at me through those beautiful tear filled eyes and asked for a bandaid. Bc she knows that will make it “all better.” Did she need a bandaid for her head? Not physically. But emotionally and energetically, she absolutely did. 

As soon as I placed the bandaid she was off running around like the wilding she is. 

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When you decide you don't want something (or want something different)... Just that act of deciding starts shifting things. Making a decision is powerful. It's you putting clear intentions into the universe. I want X. You don't need to know how to get there. It's just declaring what you want. Once you do that, life will respond. Signs will show up to help with your next steps, opportunities will present themselves.

Here's the kicker though (so be ready)... the more you energetically align with what you do want, what you don't want can become unbearable. With jobs and relationships I've especially felt this. Have you?

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From Hoarding to Joy

From Hoarding to Joy

I use to have the hardest time letting things go. I held on bc of lack and scarcity mindset. Fear kept me stuck. 

10 years ago when I was going through a divorce and moving out of the house we shared, I first had to face all I accumulated. The basement literally looked like it was out of the tv show Hoarders. It was completely representative of how I’d lived. Faking the appearance of having things together, but with all the hard stuff shoved down deep, bursting at the seams, to deal with later. 

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Full Moon Solstice - Say what?!

Full Moon Solstice - Say what?!

The solstice. When the sun stands still. The longest night of the year. 

You may have felt this coming on energetically. The night slowly taking over. Willing us to retreat into our homes, ourselves, the caverns of our mind.

You may have noticed you’re feeling extra sensitive, your relationships have been extra challenging, and you crave alone time. It’s all so normal. And the good news is the light will slowly start entering our lives once again as the nights get shorter and the days get longer. 

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You need alone time. 

You need alone time. 

If you laugh and think what’s alone time - you really freaking need it... now. 

Want to feel a little (or a lot) better? Simply CREATE time to do whatever the heck you want ALONE. 

I take my own advice on this daily and feel much of my joy and sanity is because of it. 

When I don’t carve out any me-time, I feel it. I’m drained by the end of the day. I don’t sleep as well. I find myself with more late night tv time…

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Sensitivity Overload - Full Moon on Thanksgiving!

Sensitivity Overload - Full Moon on Thanksgiving!

Before shit gets real today, let’s talk sensitivity. 

Feeling sensitive? 

It’s totally normal.

A Full Moon on Thanksgiving is a recipe for sensitivity overload! You’ll pick up on your own and the energy of those around you. 

The full moon heightens everything. These holidays can be filled with a lot of love but also a lot of pain and stress. 

So are we doomed?? No way! 

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My Work. Your Work. Our Work.

My Work. Your Work. Our Work.

In the space I realize, all I have to do is be who I am. Thank you all for seeing me and your encouragement and support as I shine my light.

I've been taking some time to really feel into who I'm here to serve and what my message is. My goal moving forward is to align my content with that. With the help of a business mentor I've been getting very clear. It's been the most beautiful experience opening myself to receiving help in this journey to clarity. We work as healers, because we want our own healing journey. We teach, because we want our own learning journey. We help others ascend, because we are ascending. When our outer work is in alignment with our inner work, everything comes together.

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