It’s time to show up for yourself and welcome support as you move forward.
I’ll say it again, it’s time to show up for yourself. It’s time to welcome support around what you desire.
It might be figuring out what it is you want, maybe it’s admitting what you already know out loud, and it definitely includes moving forward in an aligned and strategic way!
This is the good stuff. The scary stuff.
I’m inviting you to do this work alongside me.
That’s me, the one joyfully pictured above. Yep naked on the street, with only a towel on and make-up running down my face.
I don’t only want to hold your hand and fluff your wings while you’re doing the work. I want you to know, I am doing this work too. I am vulnerably cracked open right now in my own transformation and expansion. My capacity to hold transformational space for you is fucking huge at the moment. Because I’m not looking back and telling you to look at what I did in order to help motivate and inspire you. I’m not shouting down directions from the peak of the mountain as you attempt to navigate it. I want to be embracing, learning, transforming, grateful and present, navigating right here with you - hand in hand. So when you stumble, I’m right there. When the doubt, insecurities or uncertainty start creeping up, I’m right there. When you need guidance, support, someone to believe in you, I’m there. We will do this together. I’m invested in my growth and I’m invested in yours too. I want so much me and for you too. And I just so happen to have a huge ass toolbox to support us.
And we’re not alone in it. We’ll be part of an intimate group of people doing their work too.
The best part is, we’ll also be doing this work with our spiritual teams!! YESSSS! I know. It’s as amazing as it sounds. We will be in collaboration with those that have pure radiant love and belief in us every breath and step of the way.
I know the idea of going on a collaborative intuitive transformational journey sounds good. I also know it’s normal to immediately go to that place in your head, where you hear all the excuses as to why now isn’t the time.
That little critical voice in your head reminds you of why you should wait, reminds you of your other commitments and priorities, it is persistent in stressing why later would be better than now. This isn’t your first time hearing that voice, the inner bully loves to have a say, and gets especially loud when blocking you from going after something you really want. To be honest it’s trying to protect you, but it’s really only sabotaging you at this point.
You can always find excuses to stay right where you are, to play small, to keep putting your dreams off until later.
But your heart knows when it’s time to grow.
At your core, you know it’s time for expansion. You know it’s time to set yourself up for the success that you’re not only capable of, but actually moving toward. You are being guided toward collaboration by calling in supportive people beside and also working with your team Above. You don’t have to walk this path alone.
In your heart of hearts, you know it’s time to do something for you. Even if that first step of saying yes is a little bit scary or uncomfortable.
It’s usually your mind you need to get on board.
When your heart and head are in alignment… holy fuck. That’s when it all happens-- watch out world.
If not now, when?
I believe in you.
I know you are worthy of all the happiness, abundance, and success coming your way.
I know you are ready to trust yourself and grow.
I see your gifts, your light, your potential, your capabilities, your limitlessness.
I see so many opportunities to propel you forward, in a way that honors both where you are and who you are. (that’s my gift and part in this, that and the wing fluffing so you can also believe in yourself, get past the blocks and move forward to all the good stuff waiting for you.)
I will not believe anything that says you can’t or won’t succeed. I only see and believe that you are limitless and capable.
So get out of your own way, and let’s do this.
The Intuitive Coaching Circle is your invitation to work on yourself, your growth, your relationships, any area you know it’s time to get some movement in and any transitions you are navigating. In our space you will be seen in your highest, most capable, limitless light, and to receive intuitive, mindset, and strategic support as you expand.
The Intuitive Coaching Circle
Group Support for Empaths on Individualized Journeys
Let’s grow together in an intimate group, lifting up each other as we rise.
We’ll meet twice a month in our inspired and intuitive online zoom space for intuitive group coaching.
You will receive individualized support specific to where you are and where you’re going.
And, this isn’t for everyone. If you’re not ready to get clear, shift your mindset, take aligned action, connect with spirit and follow your inner guidance, The Intuitive Coaching Circle is definitely not for you. As scary as it sounds, when you are seen, held, supported an in collaboration, you can and will do this!
The Intuitive Coaching Circle is for you, if you are:
ready to grow and expand.
willing to show up open and curious
ready to see that all problems are actually possibilities, that challenges are opportunities, and that we can thrive and be challenged at the same time.
ready to grow in what you already know and learn what you don’t.
willing to look beyond the excuses holding you back and get to the core of your truth.
ready to show up in a way that honors where you are and who you are.
aware that you’re going to make mistakes
ready to reframe those mistakes into learning opportunities, get back up, and put yourself out there to make even more mistakes.
ready to prioritize yourself, open the doors to spiritual guidance, and connect with your highest self to get aligned.
ready to be seen, held, cheered on, supported, and have your wings fluffed.
ready to TRUST.
Calling in those who are ready to expand.
I would love to hold space for you as you become clearer about what is in your heart and how to make that a reality. It is my deep honor to invite you to join me in this circle.
This circle will
be filled with your new likeminded besties
be a container for clarity, guidance and support
provide accountability as you intuit and consistently take steps toward growth.
be the place you go to align your head with your heart.
You'll tap into divine guidance on the steps to take as you work with your team Above and your wisdom within.
Join this circle to get clear and make courageous, confident, and clear moves. Get the momentum flowing, make mistakes, then learn from and use those mistakes to propel you forward, rather than having a setback or coming to a full stop.
The Intuitive Coaching Circle is about heart centered expansion, with mindset work, aligned action, guidance from your team Above, clarity, intuition, and support from everyone in the circle. Being in circle with a group of empaths will help you trust that you are capable and ready to grow now. You will feel seen, heard, encouraged, and believed in. Most importantly, you will believe in yourself when held in this light.
The Flow
5 month commitment
Intimate group calls twice a month (with a choice of consistently participating in either the Monday daytime or evening call): getting clear on aligned action steps, moving past blocks, getting intuitive and/or practical support (how to tap into your own intuition, listen to your highest self, tap into the guidance from your spiritual team Above), and having a safety net when you fall.
There are no workbooks, this is group coaching.
In addition to the two circles, each month there are optional virtual workspaces: focused time to work independently toward your individual goals, with accountability. We ground, share our intentions, work independently, then come back together to celebrate what we accomplished. Each virtual workspace will be $5 to participate in, and so worth it!
Optional Facebook group for accountability and to keep the conversation going.
Spots are extremely limited. This is a small, intimate circle.
What are my clients saying?
“Sara has the most incredible way of seeing people where they are, for who they are, and believing in them with every ounce of her soul until they transform into their most magical selves. I know it so because she did it for me, and I have witnessed it for so many others too. Every time I wanted to give up on my “work”—my purpose; she wouldn’t let me. She always knows when to check-in, what to say, and how to say it. Her energy is palpable, powerful, steady, calming, and loaded with truth. She will see you and hear you, when you lose all sight of yourself. She is the activator of all the magic that is waiting to be awakened within your soul. It is an honor to walk alongside her in this most important soul work.” -Kristin F
“Sara has such a welcoming and accessible spirit. While she is a force of feminine power and a a true spiritual teacher she also gives you the feeling of a friend you've known forever. Sometimes spirituality can be so serious...but with Sara it's joyful and based in real life applications. She truly cares about those of us she works with and that shines through every interaction.” - Erin M
"Working with Sara is such a magical experience! She has the beautiful ability of helping you find your own way. Whether it's about your career, business or personal life she gently guides you to find answers that work for you and quite often its something you know in your heart already. She helps you see your options even when you don't think you don't have any. She can help you reframe a situation so you can see things from a different angle and sometimes that makes all the difference. Sara will never tell you what to do but will help you tune into what's right for you. I can't express how wonderful it is to work with her and how much clarity it can give you. She is a wing fluffer extraordinaire!" - Eva S
“Sara has a way of bringing out the very best in you, even when things are troubled. She is a gifted mentor who guides with love and support.” -Susan H
“Sara is amazing!! Through all of her programs she is very attentive with each participant making them feel important. She seems to respond to each comment individually and personally really taking time. I have done a few programs with Sara and have seen a HUGE shift in my mindset and life. I am much happier and joyful within than I have ever been and I am forever grateful for her and the work she does empowering others.” -Amanda L
“Sara is such a light in my life. I owe a lot to her; helping me find the power within to see things from a new perspective and completely transform my life. Since participating in her one-on-one sessions and group work I’ve changed my perspective on money, relationships, self-love and opened my heart up to new adventures and endeavors. I first started working with Sara because I wanted to have the same positive attitude and inspire others to do the same. After three years of not only mentorship, but true friendship, I’m now on the path to become a dance therapist. With her guidance and cheerleading, I’ve traveled all around the US, New Zealand and Southeast Asia, lived in Hawaii, Australia and now India where I’m completing a volunteer program working with women and getting my yoga certification. I’m genuinely living my best life. Thank you beautiful friend! I love you!” -Amanda T
“Sara you are an earth angel! I love you dearly and your programs have been some of the greatest joys of my life! I always want to become better and I have experienced so much personal growth through my participation. I have met some of my favorite people in these programs and I know we're friends for life. The sisterhood aspect is my favorite part of this mentorship. These amazing women all support each other so beautifully. These ladies carried me through the darkest valley of my life & I'm eternally grateful for their support.” - Ashley B
Your turn to take up space and be supported!!
Choose your level of Investment:
Only 10 spots open in each circle!!!
This valuable addition is an opportunity to take up more space and receive laser focused strategic, energetic, mindset and intuitive support around any area in your life or business.