Before the Funk Spiral

Before the Funk Spiral

A heaviness washed over me just after I put CG down for a nap today. Ugh. I could feel myself turning to the what if’s. What if I have an all day funk? What if I don’t turn it around? Oh crap, what if next I’m arguing with Mike, messing up this week and letting myself down? What if I need to go into total retreat, nest, self care mode? 

It felt like out of nowhere and for no reason I was just funky (and not in my fave genre of music way). But was it really out of nowhere?

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Messages from the Other Side

Messages from the Other Side

I had the most beautiful talk with my team last night on the floor of the shower. 6 men from my life that have passed on, came forward. When they walked this earth they all saw me (or at least treated me!!!!) as the highest version of myself. Which is really moving to realize. Well 5 of them did, 1 passed before I was born. I felt them all so clearly. They loved me then, love me now and are definitely guiding me. 

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Let’s not go through life believing what others say and do is about us. Let’s practice detaching from taking things personally, so that we find freedom in the place where we don’t have trigger reactions and emotional responses to someone else’s monkeys. 

We hear this all the time, but have you been able to successfully incorporate ownership for your feelings and reactions? Or do you give that power away? Who dictates your happiness?

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Flying Free Into 2016

Flying Free Into 2016

I'm so excited to share with you a few of my beloved New Years traditions! It's a NEW freaking year! It's like going to a brand new school, you get a fresh start. Yes you can give yourself a fresh start any damn time you want (and I highly recommend it). But it's bigger than that - the whole world is saying fresh start!!! Energetically we are all feeling ready to release 2015 and step forward into a magical new world filled with possibility. Take note of any ideas that come to you during this time, ones appearing now are not yet tainted by self sabotage and that dreaded inner bully. We are feeling limitless and these ideas are in alignment with our true desires!

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When you follow the signs, blessings come.

When you follow the signs, blessings come.

The highlight of my weekend was meeting Judy.  

Saturday morning I wasn't feeling great, but I was pulled to venture out in the rain and get supplies. On my way to rent a movie, I felt a calling toward a different redbox location than I was headed. I've learned not to question this inner guidance, so I allowed myself to be redirected. I soon found out why. 

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