Expectation Unraveling
/It’s easy to get caught up in expectations around what you want to happen and how you want it to go. Therefore it’s easy to feel let down. Bc really when do things work out exactly how and when we think they will?
Curveballs ⭕️ are part of life.
Surrendering and trusting is much more of a foreign concept.
But that doesn’t mean it has to be hard.
It just means it takes more reminding. More patience. Much more breath. Belief in redirection and guidance. Knowledge that things are working out as they should and for us.
I just went for a second opinion for my foot injury hoping to hear something else. Intending that I could cancel this upcoming surgery and wear a boot, pop a pill, or some magical fix. But alas, same diagnosis and treatment plan.
I felt a shift. Internally feeling my expectation/ what I really wanted to happen unraveling. Reality setting in. Felt all of it. It was tight and heavy. And ughehhllll shit crap fuck!!!! All my fave curse words turned against me.
After a pep talk from my mom and one from myself too, I starting feeling better. I processed it and reframed it. I remembered what I KNOW. After treating myself to a solo kidless sushi lunch I was feeling great actually. How quickly we can move through these things and feelings. It’s really amazing.
I’ve moved into a deeper understanding. Remembered that I’m not alone, completely supported and that WE have this. It was a reminder to surrender and trust and stop expecting things to go a specific way. I can’t control any of it, but I forget sometimes and try anyway. And every time I do... bam... another learning moment falls in my lap.
So many lessons. Always. In all of it. For every teaching moment I’ve ever had, there’s been a learning moment for me before it. Sometimes whoppers that have left scars and other times little blips like this that I may not even remember a month from now. But the lessons and the tools are what really seems to stick with me these days. I bounce back fast af. So that’s pretty awesome.
I’m learning and growing with you. And for that I’m so grateful. We’re doing it!!
Whatever you’re currently expecting... it may not go that way. Instead of having all your fave curse words turn against you too... try a tool that I failed to use this time, but I promise it really works... Intend for this (what you want) or something better (the most aligned in your highest good).
If you’re feeling brave, share a situation you’re going through where you can apply this below.
And if you also forget to use the tool (like I did today) and it all unravels. Process. Breathe through it And remember what you really know... that it’s all working out and you’re simply being redirected.
Big hugs! 👭