Tired Isn't a Bad Thing!

Tired isn’t a bad thing.

It’s a guide.

Telling you what your body, mind and spirit need.


This is a reframe I’ve been working with and it’s a good one.

In my moments of awareness, I find this shift really supportive.

Starting at "ughhhh, I am soooo tired right now..." 💡... pause... reframe... "I’m tired. So what do I need? What does my body/mind/spirit want? How can I listen?"


From complaint or negative space and reaching for 4pm coffee...to curiosity!

And then maybe a rest, a break, stopping work, hydration, nourishment, play, nature, grounding, movement , music, slowing down, being present, letting something go, boundaries, calling in support, bed earlier, etc...and yeah, sometimes it’s still that coffee and that’s ok too! It’s the shift and the consciousness that is making all the difference.

It’s beautiful to remember that our bodies are awesome communicators and guides. The more tuned in we are to our body and her messages, the more aligned we are. And... as we all know when we don't listen to her whispers, she screams!

So let’s start by listening to the message in being tired, reframe it with curiosity, and follow the guidance.

I love a good f*cking reframe!! Don’t you?

Challenging you to join me, if this is one that may benefit you too. 👭

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