Take care of yourself, empath.
/Sending out love love love love love love love and refocusing on some lightwork for now.
This reset was supported by movement/dancing, a big ass glass of water and guidance from my team Above. And by a commitment to myself to continue finding my aligned ways to help and show up and take action. And a commitment to share that journey and hold space while others find their own way to do that in the areas that are big ass triggers for them too.
Empaths are here to help. Bc we feel it so deeply. And I commit to you to follow up with you about this. As your unique empath type and your triggers are like a compass toward where it will feel most aligned to help. And I deeply desire to help you find your own aligned level of activism.
Sending all of you beautiful empaths love and a gentle reminder to take care of yourself.
Yes we have work to do. We knew that. And we will continue to be reminded of that. Many lessons to learn. Many opportunities to rise up.
We have lightwork to do.