Stand in Your Full Power
/The energy of collective trauma, pain, healing and ascension is here.
Not all the discomfort you’re feeling belongs to you.
Goodbye 30s
/It’s here. Last day of my 30s.
This feels like an ending and also a beautiful new beginning. I get to choose what to leave behind, what to take with me and where to focus my energy as I move into my new year, my new decade.
I’m taking with me the lessons and the magic. I’m leaving behind control, the not enough and self censoring. I’m choosing to be present.
Feeling like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. Tapped in, connected, holding space, taking up space, channeling for spirit, standing in my truth, manifesting abundance, expanding, passionate, loving, fiery, angry about the status quo, changing the shame narrative, shaking shit up, grounded, protected, guided, reflective, self soothing, a bit introverted, a lot magical, healing, growing, integrating, showing up, full of contrast, overflowing with belief and light.
I’m enough. Just as I am today.
I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished. I’m proud of where I am. I’m excited and also curious about where I’m going.
One year ago...
/Almost a year after my foot surgery, and I have been appreciating my healing feet like crazy.
As of this week, realizing I can comfortably wear shoes other than my vegan Birks and 1 particular pair of tennis shoes again.
Read MoreAsk for a Sign
/Don't be afraid to ask for a crystal clear sign from Above. Sometimes we need/want/deeply desire that confirmation without so much room for interpretation.
Read MoreThis is 39.75
/I’m beaming with the realization it’s officially the last month of my 30s. I was completely convinced when I was younger that I wouldn’t live to see 30. Not only did I live to see it, but I have come home to my soul this past decade. I have found myself, my purpose, my courage. So many things that I didn’t think were in the cards for me, are now my reality. Life, love, children, mamahood, happiness, success, health, lightness, self-love, authenticity, confidence, abundance, ease, a career I’m completely lit up in and inspired by, collaborating with the most amazing spiritual team, sustaining tools and practices, energy and expansion. Holy fuck. I’ve come a long way
Read MoreGive a F***
/What my Lightworker activism has looked like so far today (8:30am)
💫 grounding, protection, intentions, meditation (today that was a simple self hug meditation)
💫 researched human trafficking
💫 sent love, light and healing energy to the world (did you feel it? I sent it to you too)
💫 registered to vote by mail
Gentle Alignment
/Gently align by showing up in your most authentic expression.
Show up full of contrast.
Honor your aches, pain, trauma, experiences, hopes, sensitivity, joy, pleasure, simplicity, complexity, stillness, anger and beauty.
Read MoreI am Loved, Guided, and Protected
Repeat after me: “I am loved, guided and protected.”
Halfway through 2020!
/Well loves, we're exactly halfway through 2020!!! How does that feel?
It's a good time to both reflect and set intentions for the next half.
You can get a resurgence of energy toward your 2020 theme or if a new one has emerged, give yourself the go ahead to consciously embrace it. We often find ourselves choosing one theme and another chooses us. It’s empowering to use your growing awareness to declare what themes you’re working with and through.
Read MoreEmpath Growth
/Empath growth.
You grow up feeling you don’t really belong and fit anywhere.
But you have the ability to shape shift and chameleon to fit in with any group.
Read MoreSpeak Up
/I’ve known about many of the atrocities being highlighted in the BLM movement. That's not new for me or many others. I have witnessed and thought a lot about racial injustices throughout my life. I have felt heart broken more times that I could share around the criminal justice system, around treatment of black people historically and at present, about the discrepancy in opportunities and representation. I have thought a lot and often about how white washed much of the things around me and now my child are.
Read MoreMercury in Retrograde
/Mercury Retrograde is NOT something to fear.
It's a deeply introspective time full of lessons.
It's only a set back if you view it as such.
Read MoreSteps to Inclusivity
/When taking inventory of how I’ve been directly or indirectly racist, I keep having a flashback about my "boyfriend" in first grade, Jerome. For some reason when telling people about him I would stress that even though his name sounded like it, he wasn't black. I don’t know why I did that, but I do know I can’t stop thinking about it now. 😞
Read MoreWe All Get it Wrong
/I have definitely gotten it wrong many times recently. Learning from my mistakes. Doing it blindly the way I think people want me to act... is never 👏going 👏to 👏work 👏for me. I
Read MoreTake YOUR Aligned Action
/I’ve been recently reminded that I need to take MY aligned action and show up in the way that resonates with me. Not anyone else’s version of what that looks like.
I’ve tried doing what I was told. And as usual, that doesn’t work for me.
Read MoreWhat does self-care look like for you?
/Looking for ways to take care of me. It’s easy to be completely consumed by what’s going on in the world. And looking for ways to listen, learn, dismantle, support and help. Some things are going to slip, and that’s OK. Instead of putting more pressure on myself, I’m ok with not doing it all. And I know whatever it is that doesn’t get done, taking care of me can’t be included on that list. It becomes more and more apparent every day.
Read MoreHarness the Energy
/Dear empaths and lightworkers, Encouraging you to harness the energy of the full moon tonight, if you haven’t the past 2 days.
If you’re looking for a shift. Feeling the energy around you collapsed and heavy, and would like to get it flowing... any of these simple ideas may feel really supportive.
Read MoreFull Moon Brings Clarity
/The full moon brings with her clarity. Ask the questions your soul is urging you to reflect on and find your truth in.
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